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Translate a Waldiez flow:

Waldiez flow Waldiez flow

To a python script or a jupyter notebook with the corresponding ag2 agents and chats.


  • Convert .waldiez flows to .py or .ipynb
  • Run a .waldiez flow
  • Store the runtime logs of a flow to csv for further analysis


On PyPI:

python -m pip install waldiez

From the repository:

python -m pip install git+


autogen-agentchat package conflicts with ag2 / pyautogen. Ensure that autogen-agentchat is uninstalled before installing waldiez. If you have already installed autogen-agentchat, you can uninstall it with the following command:

pip uninstall autogen-agentchat -y

If already installed waldiez you might need to reinstall it after uninstalling `autogen-agentchat`:

pip install --force --no-cache waldiez pyautogen



# Convert a Waldiez flow to a python script or a jupyter notebook
waldiez convert --file /path/to/a/flow.waldiez --output /path/to/an/output/flow[.py|.ipynb]
# Convert and run the script, optionally force generation if the output file already exists
waldiez run --file /path/to/a/flow.waldiez --output /path/to/an/output/flow[.py] [--force]

Using docker/podman

CONTAINER_COMMAND=docker # or podman
# pull the image
$CONTAINER_COMMAND pull waldiez/waldiez
# Convert a Waldiez flow to a python script or a jupyter notebook
  --rm \
  -v /path/to/a/flow.waldiez:/flow.waldiez \
  -v /path/to/an/output:/output \
  waldiez/waldiez convert --file /flow.waldiez --output /output/flow[.py|.ipynb] [--force]

# with selinux and/or podman, you might get permission (or file not found) errors, so you can try:
  --rm \
  -v /path/to/a/flow.waldiez:/flow.waldiez \
  -v /path/to/an/output:/output \
  --userns=keep-id \
  --security-opt label=disable \
  waldiez/waldiez convert --file /flow.waldiez --output /output/flow[.py|.ipynb] [--force]
# Convert and run the script
  --rm \
  -v /path/to/a/flow.waldiez:/flow.waldiez \
  -v /path/to/an/output:/output \
  waldiez/waldiez run --file /flow.waldiez --output /output/output[.py]


For creating-only (no exporting or running) waldiez flows, you can use the playground at The repo for the js library is here. We are currently working on waldiez-studio to provide a visual interface for creating and running Waldiez flows (you can find more here). Until then, you can use our Jupyter or the VSCode extension to create and run Waldiez flows.

As a library

Export a flow
# Export a Waldiez flow to a python script or a jupyter notebook
from waldiez import WaldiezExporter
flow_path = "/path/to/a/flow.waldiez"
output_path = "/path/to/an/"  # or .ipynb
exporter = WaldiezExporter.load(flow_path)
Run a flow
# Run a flow
from waldiez import WaldiezRunner
flow_path = "/path/to/a/flow.waldiez"
output_path = "/path/to/an/"
runner = WaldiezRunner.load(flow_path)
